Saturday, October 09, 2004

Th3 P0w3r 0F mu$ic

Lord Krishna has said to Narada "Nahang tishthami vaikunthe, Yoginang hridaye ne che, mudbhakta jatra gayanti tatra tishthami Narada"Which translates to: "I stay neither in the heavens nor in the hearts of Yogis, but stay where my devotees sing."In English literature, the great poet Shelly has written "Music, when soft voices die vibrates in the memory."Music is a universal phenomenon. It cannot be seen but has tremendous impact on our physical existence. The connection is the mind, the senses and the higher perceptions come to the forefront and play a major role with the help of the calming energy that music generates. There is a certain power in a word even at a human level; our own names have a special significance. The way it is pronounced, makes great difference to the message it wants to convey. The tone of the word or language makes it loving, scolding, protecting, and understanding and gives it many other dynamic effects. There is also another very unique element of spoke words. In a world full of 'give and take', your words once spoken cannot be ever taken back. You can try to make amends by the magic word 'sorry, forgive me' but the spoken words get impressed in the subconscious of the person who hears them. This impression is strong and permanent till our mind that controls memory decides to fade them into the forgotten arena. Similarly, Mantras are a string of words. Their raga (tone or melody) makes them convey or connect in a special way to the Deveta or presiding deity. When the spoken word is perfectly sounded within and without, there is a potent energy generation. There is an unseen impression in the environment and within our selves. The sonic energy is also potent and unchangeable. Our mind is not completely in our control, all the religions of the world use words and tones as the best controlling device so that we can once again bring ourselves to connect to our base, our soul or Atman.When we refer to the test of Saturn and Moon, it is not surprising that Saturn points his weapons at this emotional planet that is responsible for our manifestation in this world. A strong Saturn person is also conservative in speech. An expansive Jupiter person is capable of helping others and is a very generous one but on the negative side the person often promises beyond realistic boundaries and they just remain broken promises. Please note that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, a Sign belonging to Moon, I am sure you see what I am trying to point out. A strong Jupiter can bring great happiness and the vehicle is Moon, Saturn can bring greater sorrow and the medium is again Moon. There is no doubt that happiness as great but due to its fleeting quality, sorrow always remains greater.


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